About Our Church
Born Again Christ Healing Church International was founded in 1979 - established according to a revelation from God to be a church where needy and troubled souls come to find solace and a solution to their problems; a church where Christ is real and alive. The church has since then spread to countries in Africa, Europe and is also in affiliation with other churches for the kingdom work.
The Mission of the church is to:
Gather people of all races.
Bring them to the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ the son of God. He died to save us from sin because God loves us.
Preach the gospel to them. Let them know that God is real and alive, and He is able to heal and provide all their needs.
Baptise and Heal them in the name of Jesus Christ
Build a Sanctuary where the people of God who are persecuted and reviled will run into and be comforted
Provide for the poor and needy of the World.
Anoint and Teach them to preach the gospel of the Kingdom.